We follow rules and regulations severely wherever we conduct business, and we will not tolerate violation of the law. Transgression of the law or code of conduct will be strictly penalized and lead to dismissal of employees. We take all the steps in compliance with laws to be accepted by society. Our commitment to laws and regulations makes the company a proper place to work. A principle of our culture is to respect human rights. In our perspective, the only way to make human rights protection probable is to know legal rules and abuses and try to pursue those rules and regulations. We are responsible to inform employees of the laws and monitor them to follow them and if necessary punish them for violation of laws. Illegal activities are elaborated as follows:
1. We do not sustain fraud, embezzlement, bribery or any other corrupted business activities.
2. We strive to make a working environment free from discrimination and harassment.
3. It is prohibited to work under the impact of illegal drugs or beverages.
Safety and environment
1. Employees who violate safety rules will be strictly punished and charged a fine.
2. Any activities opposing laws of safety and environmental protection will be reported to the relevant organizations.
Child labor
1. The company does not recruit under the age of 18. Child labor and compulsory labor are prevented in Our company.
Tax payment
1. We pay taxes to the government promptly and consistently.